Friday, September 26, 2014

Titles, titles, title......Boss, Master, Sir, My Lord. by Claudia Typhoon

remember when I signed the titles of My blog entries? then I stopped. did you notice? will you look for it now? will you wonder what the significance of that is? will you wonder why I pointed it out? See if your brain does anything interesting.

one of the most popular post I have on here was about Female Dominant titles. since then I have explored the possibilities of male titles, a query exposed upon writing that prior post. now, I think a male being called male titles has a different effect or behaviours associated with it than a Female such as myself being called male titles. so this is entirely the perspective of a female being called male titles.

Boss-I loved being called Boss. I had a cop client that turned me onto it. the power exchange was intense and intoxicating. It reinforces my strong desire to be in charge and make decisions. not just any decisions, but to make them quickly; analyze my options to maximize the desired outcome for all those involved. to think of the ramifications of all subsequent ripples made by that decision and to do all that in a matter of seconds. training one's mind to be this efficient can be tiring and needs lots of reflection and downtime. but damn is it a good feeling when you do it right.

Master makes me want to be cruel. to torment, to enslave a being. that is when I am aroused most by fear. its more cold than being a Domina. there is an element of intensity, its a playful and sadistic sexuality. a Domina toys more like a panther, tearing your throat out for fun after tormenting you for hours or even days. if it likes the way you move and the sounds you make. I love being a Domina. being called master makes me want to stamp out its breath, then fuck it while its helpless and ruin it with My cock while I beat them further. hoping that it is blood that lubricates my dick inside them. perhaps choke them out while I ram My cum deep inside.

Sir-if one desires elegance, may I suggest Sir. its simple and relaxed. the authority of this figure is not questioned. authority over oneself is given to a sir, not taken. they give direction as needed and will make efficient use of you. when you respond its always: "yes, Sir" or "no, Sir". you look at your toes, not at his face. a Sir is well-groomed, enjoys outdoor sports, polite in bed with the misses but likes very tawdry things in bed with his lovers. when a Sir punishes you, you deserve it and will have to win back his good graces. I feel very natural being a Sir. it is often my natural state of being.

My Lord-this is a fun one. I've only had one person call Me this and I thought it was the best. this title allowed Me to be every sci-fi and fantasy character I wanted to be. I have a very complex imagination so I have the best time playing out scenarios attached to it.