Thursday, June 15, 2017

Cis Gender and Trans Gender

I recently had an interaction that went sour and think an expression of it may help Me learn more. I was not very close to this individual but for a time they seemed comfortable opening up to Me. This person identified as transgendered, then went through a procedure to continue on their path to become a Woman. I admit that even though I am far more educated then the average individual about sexuality, sexual identity, sex abuse issues and various ways of sexual and gender expression, I feel I fall short in My interactions with transgendered individuals. I have even been met with surprisingly aggressive responses because I did or said something I was unaware was inappropriate. I continue to try to learn and respect individual expression but when often met with short tempered attacks, it makes it difficult to get a clear idea of what is right, wrong or current in the transgendered scene. I didn't even realise that earlier today that cisgender is what before was male or female. Cisgender being a term for those that identify as the sexuality they were born with. For example: I was born female and I feel I am a Woman. I do not feel cisgender applies because I have a fluid and specific form of sexual expression. Transgender is the spectrum term for everything else.

I found this article to helpful and more descriptive that I could be on the topic:

Additionally this article:

The issue I have is that I think that people may identify as they choose and feels honest to them. When one feels strength and confidence in who they are it creates a grounded person who can continue to build calm and personal strength. When someone attacks another physically or verbally, it creates a divide, especially if the attacks is creating further boundaries. Ignorance should not be met with aggression, it should be educated. I advocate this for as brilliant as I may be, I do have conflicts because I am ignorant about any number of things, including gender, race, politics, religion. We all have the potential to be ignorant in these spheres. I advocate for patience and the education of ignorance even if you are met with a wall. The pleasant interaction will stay with them and they will think of your words, not move further away from accepting you and the ideals you want to put into the world.

Indeed when I hear the word "cisgender" it has a negative connotation and was used against me without my knowing its meaning. Advocate contributor and transgender Navy veteran Brynn Tannehill argues that"When someone is referred to as a 'cisgender lesbian' or 'cis gay man' by a transgender person, it is often in a negative way," Tannehill posits. "The addition of 'cis' or 'cisgender' is used to imply a certain level of contempt and a desire that they leave discussions on transgender issues. It also implies that they don't, can't, or won't ever understand transgender issues."

I was involved in LGBT conversations and communities as a young teenager and continued along with the culture, but often felt pushed out because I didn't identify in a way that was accepted by the community itself. I identified as bisexual for many years but was rejected for being "selfish", once I learned that queer fit more into My sexual identity I was met with raised eyebrows and questioned if that meant I was a lesbian. Once I started experimenting with BDSM and felt exhilarated by My comfortability and satisfaction in My being a Dominant, I was met by those that thought I would be submissive to them because of My calm and lovely demeanour. I was not angry with these people who were ignorant of My sexual and gender expression because I know it takes time to learn for everyone. I need to be able to communicate who I am and someone has to want to learn. These situations do not happen often but are rewarding when they do. We all need patience in others without condemnation or concrete generalisations. 

None of us are as we look, we are as we express ourselves to be. When met with ignorance or in ownership of it, be patience and ask good questions. 

I see evidence of white privilege. I learn more and do my best to accept how my life is so very different and easier as a white Woman then minorities and black people in the united states. I have a great teacher for these issues who is patient is willing to teach past My ignorance. 

The privilege of My sexuality? It is not fluid. The "cisgender" labelling is not appropriate and Women are constantly oppressed. Our sexuality, our reproductive abilities, our labor and skill is considered property, as livestock in some places in the world. I am Domina, I exist to teach the world to be better, to communicate effectively and without harm. To treat each other with respect and not waste our resources like it is a right. Wealth creates privilege, know your personal wealth. 

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