Sunday, February 24, 2013

Happy Birthday by Claudia Typhoon

at 9am tomorrow I will be turning 29, I'm very excited about this year and love getting older. I still have several lifetimes to live. to be ridiculous, I'm re-posting a letter I wrote to my lady-parts last week:

Dear Uterus, 

I just want to start off this letter by saying that I love you & respect your work; but a few days of pms rage followed by pms depression isn't very nice. And why do my back & breast have to be in such intense pain the whole time? I ask you, as a friend, to cut-it with the empty-nest thing you got going on. I know you love your eggs & spend a lot of energy in making them great, but you have let others go before it & surely more will follow. Don't worry, I think about using them and how awesome it is that your egg cells will become people, but it's not time. I promise, if you save a couple of good ones, I will be sure to use them. Just please stop torturing me. 



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