Thursday, July 18, 2013

Pain by Claudia Typhoon

Pain is a necessary part of life. it changes us, makes us grow. Pain can be crippling and it can be cathartic. the old adage of "life is pain" is more than a little correct. As carefully as we try to live our lives we can not avoid pain, be it physical, emotional, or otherwise. I consider myself and have met others that are connoisseurs of pain. we savor our knowledge of what each type of pain signifies and how it will heal and change a person. we understand the importance of it, embrace it, digest it and are better for it. I am impressively strong due to pain I have experienced and I know that I can take a great deal more. I become eager for it even. I know the growth I receive will make me all the better than those that do not embrace the caress that hurt longs to give you. I find when I allow pain to wrap its arms around me, it cradles me and carries me to where I need to go. when people pull away from pain it grips ever the more tighter. you become used to this restriction and it becomes a part of you, only to squeeze you so tightly that you cannot breath or function until you return its affections.

now, to be less esoteric. in sex and bdsm play, pain is of vital importance. I challenge you to give me a moment in sex where there is no pain, although mostly it is so minimal that perhaps you don't notice it at all. pain during sex is very pleasurable; the rush of endorphin & other delightful hormones through your body. for those that are into corporal play, they understand the elevation, the clarity of mind that this brings. certainly, there is a right and a wrong way to hurt someone. you have to know how the body functions, understand a flush, a texture, a moan to know if the pain you are giving is correct for that person. I am most certainly a sadomasochist and nothing makes me gush more than the exchange of pain. although I don't think the outlet is correct for cutters and others that self-harm, I understand the notion completely.

there was a period of time in which I was going through a lot of emotional pain all at once. I was given no breath, no quarter, no moment to sit still and come to terms with one type of pain when the next infliction would gather its forces and smite me. that's right, I said smite. what got me through this emotionally painful time was a proper and well-given flogging by a beautiful and wonderful Domme friend of mine. the pain dispersed beautifully along my torso, each blow I consented brought my clusterfuck of thought from a loud roar to a warm hum. I could let go and focus on the pain, the evolution of it. the sharp snap of the leather, the dull thud as blows layered on top of each other creating a warmth that has no replacement. afterwards I could be quiet and smile. the calm you feel after an experience like that can not be achieved in any other way.

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