Monday, November 7, 2016

An email that evoked a response.

Unnamed male:

Hi Saw your ad, I am a 33 yr old male, Im fun safe and clean, I like to get into all sorts of kinky scenarios, And I'm wondering if you'd help with this fetish,
I get a kick out of seeing women flash strangers, and so I've set up scenes like this safely in my studio three times with different models and willing young women,
Basically, I have you at my art studio, dressed in a low blouse with no bra,
and a short skirt with no panties,
I invite message courriers, delivery people, pizza delivery, and contractors to come do work,
You pose as my assistant, and you help me take these orders, In the actions you do a lot of bending over, squatting, sitting with legs spread flashing them , But all the while remaining aloof, like you don't know your giving such a good show,
Let me know if this is something you'd be in to trying to help me with,
and we can talk on phone to set it up,
talk soon

Ms. Typhoon:

I don't think you have seen a professional Dominatrix before. One of the cornerstones of BDSM is that everyone consents to the activities at hand. Flashing strangers without consent in a planned manner is not a responsible activity and with the right person can get you arrested. A Domina also would not parade Her sexual resources such as Her pussy or breasts to strangers like that, She doesn't expose Herself for the attention of others, She commands the gaze, She doesn't beg for it. I am all for sexual expression and I'm glad you are able to enjoy it with others but I want you to consider it through the Alpha Feminine lens. I would suggest connecting with a different type of sex worker, there are many wonderful ones out there, and have Her put on a show with some friends. Things could escalate in a surprising and satisfactory way from there. Talk to the Lady first and suggest any other possibilities that can arise (so she can know pricing and know what she will need to bring), and maybe your "fuck buddy/friend" could tease the hell out of a friend or two of yours and it becomes a gangbang. I mean......that's where I would go with it. 

Friday, November 4, 2016

The myth of the "minute man"

As I see it through a Domme lens, I am not upset with the minute man but rather thrilled that he is so excited by My presence that he looses control of himself. I however, do not enjoy this about adult babies, so I punish the bad babies. After he has cum on the inside of his pants, trembling before Me, I must humiliate and punish him. And I bet, I could make him cum from the excitement of the pain and humiliation he is about to receive for offending a Goddess with his man seed. If I want a male orgasm, I take it. Many of you do not deserve orgasm within My presence and I will make you suffer for it. Now, doesn't that sound exciting? I think so. In muggle sex life, I've Harry Pottered that shit and known both worlds; I never minded that a man came quickly as long as they could continue afterwards with enthusiasm and keep their indiscretion physically to themselves, were cool about it. I think it ideal that partners can multiple orgasm because of the other. The frequency is totally up to your personal libidos, but the ability to do so and give to the other is important. Minute men just need training in either a vanilla or BDSM context. I think small penis humiliation ties into this. When men orgasm quickly in a vanilla context, a girl might respond in a humiliating way that he hasn't experienced before. Being told that his cock, which he loves, is pathetic and unsatisfying. This can't be true, can it? I've actually had a lot of SPH from beautiful men that had satisfactory dicks. A girl telling a normally successful male that his lover for life is not good enough gives a rush that arouses him above all other things. A man that wants his cock humiliated craves it. I see you, chronic masturbators out there. Stop callousing your cock, give in to your desires and pursue a Dominant Woman. She will make you better, give Her everything She asks for, She deserves it. In a vanilla context I would suggest that that Woman immediately flips the switch (if not already in this direction) to the focus of the sex life be about her satisfaction and orgasm.

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Ethics of engaging in abuse cycles.

A lot of our behaviour is learned from our families and our respective cultures. Many people rebel from social norms because the normal mode of living isn't for them. Most of breaking away from the clan is due to abuse or the clan's lack of ability to accept change. As an individual that had to break from an abuse cycle and in doing so, recognise it and its affect on how I engaged with others I noticed that many people are broken by the neglect or abuse of their family members and are not able to recognise healthy behaviours and will in fact feel neglected and abuse in order to have their partners return this same hostile "love" that they learned. I have taken many souls into My life that were in the need of a Domina to point out the trauma in their lives and teach them how to be people. A surprising amount only wanted to keep being abused by Me. They didn't want to be better or happy. They wanted misery and fear, something I give in easy and ample doses. The issue with My giving this to a submissive who has say been sexually assaulted by their own mother is that it drives them deeper into their personal hell until it becomes a cornerstone of who they are. We are not our abuses or abusers, we are better then our abusers because we do not continue to abuse, we teach and right wrongs. This is the magic and power of a skilled Domina; She can recognise the underlying factors of a person, strip them, rebuild them, make them anew. Some people need what looks like torture to others and leave a session feeling magnificent and powerful, this is the ideal. As much as I would love the vintage jaguar of My dreams, I would rather turn down a session that reinforces past abuses. If I accepted sessions that repeated past pain, I am only grooming a bad person, one that will teach their loved ones that they should hurt in order to receive love and affections. This is not the right message. I groom My slaves to be better people, to contribute to society, deny them their privileges so that they can respect others. We must be Dommes of purpose or we are wasting our power.

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

email thread of death

I have found that I always want to explore more, experience more, be more and this puts Me on the path to pursue the strange, difficult, unheard-of and weird. I often put up Domme ads stating that I want to do the bizarre. I try to not create multiple email exchanges as this is normally the habit of people that do not follow through on sessions, but the odd requests often need more conversation. (-will be My thoughts while reading and composing emails)

fatalist: I'm trying to get with a girl who can be very violent. If you can do it, I need you to suffocate me and go all the way with it, like hanging in a noose or using a plastic bag. Get back to me if you can set this up. I'm willing to give whatever is needed.
-I love being violent, let's do it! I get that he's asking Me to kill him but know that this individual perhaps can benefit from an empathic ear that can guide him towards healing or help or perhaps a session that would accomplish that. Also people that have sessions with Me that engage in suffocation, edge play or murder role play find them to be therapeutic and help them with pain they are feeling. so this is My intention when someone contacts Me about killing them. Also I find it incredibly thrilling and arousing to see the fear on someone's face as I strangle them. 

Domina: To book a session you will need to send a deposit$DominaTyphoon along with a few days/times you are available. I am quite practiced with suffocation and edge play. 
-truth! show Me you are serious.

fatalist: I am specifically looking for a fatal outcome. I'm not sure it's safe for you to have me make a deposit for that, but if you are willing to do it I can send some.
-there is already a record of our interaction silly, a deposit isn't that much further. he does not understand that contacting a Domme or sex worker to kill you is not something a bright and stable person does. why would anyone think that was an ok thing to do? let's see how far this goes and keep it professional.

Domina: you are not the first person to make this request. I know what I'm doing. Since you won't need it anymore, send a large chunk of what's in your bank account as a deposit. If I find it sufficient I won't ask for more. Then we will set up a place to meet. 
-If he sends it, he's very serious and will tell Me how to handle further interactions with him. If he doesn't, its because the gravity of what he's asking Me might have hit him. 

fatalist: Can we do an in person public meet first? I've been burned so to speak by others who have said they were willing, but wanted money first when we had only spoken online.
-Of course we can meet first, I never have problems meeting people.

Domina: That is quite common. Dominatrix are professionals just as is a doctor or lawyer. If you are hesitant in paying a deposit to one, you should know that the respected and vetted ones will expect it. Make sure they have an online presence if they ask for a deposit. I have a website, blog and twitter for example. If you want to meet first, we can do so. I have consultations with new clients. The fee is much lower but must be paid for in advance, the fee is $50. Its up to you. If you choose to book Me for either a session of finality or an initial consultation, send a deposit to the link I provided in an earlier email and send Me an email with days and times you are available to to set up an appointment. 
-Its important to be professional. I didn't hear back from this gentleman but he is now better informed on how to evaluate and pursue time with a Domme (and now so do you).

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Fetish Fashion

I have always loved fashion and means of counter-culture expression. fashion expresses who we are whether you make conscious decisions about who/what you wear or not. If you are not into fashion its because perhaps you do not understand the ability it gives you for creative expression, how you can socialise with others and the respect other give (or don't) give you. In photos or videos the Dominatrix costume has certain main points and materials that help you visually understand her role. you see a woman in that costume and you obey, you submit because the clothing compels you, it amplifies feminine power without her having to even look at you. likewise women that work in powerful positions wear particular garments that visually communicate to you that she is power broker, with no conversation needed. BDSM for better or for worse has come into the main stream. more people are aware of its presence, are engaging in its practices or trying their hand at the respected sex worker role. I've noticed as well that key materials such as leather and latex are finding their way into no fetish clothing lines. I've decided that because of My passion of expression and lifelong love of kink and fashion, I'm going to start another blog in addition to this one illustrating lines, companies, looks, and individuals that display and create "fetish fashion" or are indeed "fashion fetishist" for this new blog I will accept contributors from all over the globe and different walks of life. send a letter of interest with an article proposal to My Domina email:

Sunday, September 18, 2016

Latex fantasy

I had this fantasy pop in My head and I only need a few things to accomplish it: a willing and delightful slave(s), a vac-u bed, lots of lube, a full latex suit for Me, 500 in tribute, german setting.

I imagined putting My slave into the bed and slowly deflating and taking all the air from it so the rubber is skin-tight, only a mouth piece to breath. After My body has been completely covered and My latex oh-so-shiny, slithering over my slave like a snake, running My fingertips over every crevice and curve, pressing My weight into them and rubbing latex on latex, fully lubed. I think it would be so sexy.

Monday, August 22, 2016

the future is now

I've had a lot of life changes since last I've wrote but since I am in pursuit of a life of constant learning and thus elevation/evolution, I doubt there will be much pause to reflect. I observe that as I age I will slow or develop the patience required for documentation but until that date I shall be sporadic and free to eclipse projects, events, spaces of time. 

let's reflect upon time together.

In your life compiled of moments you may live the life you desire. A rich one full of experience and knowledge. you may wallow in misery and incompetence. whatever your subconscious child is playing at, you are the theatre of youthful play. so expresses your sexuality, reward and punishment systems. The expression of sexuality aside from masturbation is not a singular sport. Most of you are not leaders in your sexuality. you want to be cherished and used in a way in which satisfies the other. depending on your life experiences, the activity that best communicates this to you differ. Herein lie the value of the Dominant. the Giver, the Leader, the Lover, the Nurturer, the Boss. The person who knows how your satisfaction is best expressed. This is a valuable skill. Dominants are wise and know their value, they expect compensation, resources. Their time is a commodity. They have a happy and fulfilling life without you, any of you, all of you. Their time should not be wasted because they use it for your benefit, the benefit of all. The wise Domme, as is a Domme who exist for large breathes of time with this self-labeling; knows that a gift, a tribute must be received in equal value to the skill used. 

In the winter, I will travel to France, and in Marseille I will torture a man as if I suspected him of 16th century witchcraft. He could easily bleed to death. This is all for his psychosexual pleasure. I will do it, I will find a kind of satisfaction from it, I will not do it for less then the amount I desire. I will not compromise My value for the satisfaction of another. This is the manifesto in which a strong Woman asserts herself. This is why strong Women must always fight and struggle. there are few places in the world in which a Woman does not receive strong societal pressure to compromise herself, her sexuality and any other resource that can be gleaned from Her. I will not compromise once I have established a boundary. I will be an example of strength and in time, the struggle for Women to have command over their own lives will be trivial as all humans become equal and self-aware. Until this science-fiction fantasy becomes reality, I will emulate the role of Goddess in the mythologies we all create and live. A Goddess that expects tithes, our pleasure will be equally met by your slaving for your Master. you work hard for My benefit, this pleases you. My luxury, your suffering. I am beautiful and bold, you are weak and without impact. when you give your income to your Goddess, she sees you. She beams at you upon high and for a moment you bask in her radiance. we all work for these moments. these moments in time in which we are one. 

pursue our time together. 

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Ireland fantasy

I was sitting on My terrace the other day, enjoying the light and fantasising about My upcoming trip to Ireland. Imagine this scene with Me (and possibly view it as I want to film it-click link to help make this happen)

I'm a modern Rosie Riveter in My wardrobe, head wrap in dark blue, with a large erect bow much like a rooster crest atop My head, dark red lips, milky-white skin, winged eye-liner, $5. My soft, tight, vintage cowboy tee not hiding My large breast, loose chains around My wrist, gold rings on My fingers, $10. I wear tight black jeans and black leather shit-kickers, the boots laced tightly, black leather belt at My waist, black lace lingerie underneath, $15. I stand in the doorway of a dive, the light from outside glowing around Me while I take in the scene and you admire the Goddess on the screen before you. I survey the place, a rare few huddle with their beers in the corner, the barman stands bored behind the bar and a lone soul near him. his posture is poor and I feel the submission ooze from him. I slither like a predatory cat towards the bar and sit near him, staring at him until he feels Me looking at him, $20. the bartender with his arms crossed before him says nothing and only watches. the man timidly looks up to Me. In an irritated tone I tell him that he could make a better impression and offer to buy a Lady a drink. he blinks rapidly and looks confused, then tells the bartender to make what I like. I ordered a rusty nail and start to size up My entertainment. this man I can use in any way I choose, I can see it in his eyes. I can completely own him in front of this small bar crowd and no one would stop Me. I thank the bartender and instruct him to keep the change after this diminutive man pays with a bill in which one would expect change, $25. he doesn't argue but looks at Me expectantly. I take a sip of My drink and then turn My attention to the male beside Me. I shift My position and thrust My leg between his, turning him in his seat so that he faces Me. I can see now he is afraid, but he stays. Good. I lean into him, My face close to his, My hand sliding up his leg and stopping at his hip, I can feel the fabric go tense and at his erection, at this I know he is My bitch. I order him to take out his wallet. he hesitates but I don't break eye contact or expression. he takes it out and puts it on the bar, $30. I tell him that his wallet is mine now and put it in My back pocket. I order him to take off his jacket, then his shirt. I sit back, taking another sip of My drink and lift My boot to between his thighs and stomp it in place. he looks down at My boot, then at My wet lips. I tell him to get off the stool and walk towards Me. as quick as a snake bite, My nails dig into his left nipple and I pull him towards Me. now he can smell Me and feel My warm breath. I tell him that from this moment on, he is My bitch and will do as I tell him, I will control his every move and that I will punish him terribly for disobedience, $35. he whimpers from the pain in his nipple but he nods sharply. I slap him in the face and instruct him to start licking My boots clean while I finish My drink. he quickly gets on the grounds starts to lick the muddied tread. I spit on him and turn to face the bartender who still in a stoic stance, now with an amused expression on his face. I relax with My drink in the dimly lit dive, and light a clove, the dark stick sparking and sputtering at the end as it meets the flame, My head titled towards the light. I ash on My slave as he cleans and moans from the dirty floor. as I finish My smoke and My drink, I order another and for the half naked submissive to remove his pants. he does so and folds them lightly atop his other clothes, $40. I rise, instructing the male beneath Me to crawl behind Me as I start towards a dark corner. he looks around as if he might rebel. I squat to the floor at his level, grab him by the throat and his cock and balls clenched tightly with the other hand. I feel his cock get hard again and slap it lightly through his shorts. "that's a good boy", I tell him, $45. he winches but I notice his shorts get wet, his little dick started to get drippy. I spit in his face and tell him how disgusting this is. I let go of his throat and start to walk, stopping a few paces to pat My thigh to call My dog. I reclined in My chair and waited while My pet nervously fidgeted on his knees in front of Me. the bartender came a few moments later with My drink, telling Me that it was on the house before retreating back to the bar. now relatively alone, I lit a new clove, and instructed My ward to remove his last shred of clothing, and with it, his dignity, $50. I squat down in front of him, still smoking, blowing smoke in his face and pull out his genitals, exposing them to the air and spit on his cock. I hold his balls in My hand and instruct him to stroke his cock, while I continue to blow smoke in his face, spit and ash on his cock, $55. he is easily excited and I can see he may cum soon so I squeeze his balls until the pain Dominates the pleasure of orgasm. he keeps stroking but whimpers and curls into himself. I let go and stand, only to kick him in the balls, it drops him to the floor. he gasps as he falls and clutches his wounded testicles. I order him to remove his shorts or I will kick him again and again. he doesn't move quickly enough and I kick him in the chest, then I kick his legs apart to prepare a ball-busting he will be sure to remember. he sees this and quickly removes his last shred, saying he will do whatever I want, $60. I sit back in My chair and casually drink while he recovers, saying nothing. after a moment, I gesture for him to come closer, and start to stroke again. he must work past pain, but quickly I see his desire to cum again, he looks up at Me and stops himself, he learns quickly, $65. I ask him how badly he wants to cum, he is almost desperate, so I have him continue the process of stroking and stopping until he can think of nothing but his need to release as I relax and use his torso as a foot rest. at last he is shaking and tense and is so sensitive that I could blow on his cock and it would erupt. I instruct him to sit up and I look deeply into his face, then start slapping him. both hands and sharp. at first he is taken aback and doesn't understand, then protest and at last becomes sullen, but his cock is still hard. I keep slapping him until he starts to cry and his cheeks become wet. now My last command of him, $70. I tell him to lay on the floor, his cock pressed against his stomach and his flesh on the sticky and filthy ground. he rests there as I take off My belt. I order him to start grinding on the ground, rubbing his cock against the filth. sadly at first and then more excitedly he takes to his task, thinking at last I will allow him orgasm, $75. when he starts to moan I start to strike him with My thick leather belt. I command him to keep going, the disgusting floor loves him. he yells out when I hit him, but this quickly turns to moans as I rhythmically start to hit him on his ass, colouring it a deep red. he starts to beg, $80. I say nothing but listen to him beg and moan. his body starts to shake and his ass starts to bruise. as he cums I hit him harder and he pants into the floor. I stand and put on my belt after cleaning it with a napkin dipped in My drink. I reach down and grab his hair, informing him that he has one last thing to do for Me before I release him, $85. he must lick the floor clean of the mess he has just made. to improve the flavour, I throw the last of my drink which has now been watered down in the puddle. he dutifully nods and starts to lick up his mess. I relight My clove and finish it, watching to make sure he cleans it properly, $90. surely the flavours on his tongue do not mix well and I watch him retch, but continue to work. when he finishes, he collapses on the floor. I take the money out of his wallet, $95, throw it on the ground and walk over him, stepping on him as I make My exit. I stop at the doorway, put on My sunglasses and step into the sunlight, $100.

Thursday, January 21, 2016

new year, new life, new country, new readers

I haven't written in the past year even though I have continued to actively participate in the BDSM lifestyle in both a professional and personal capacity. In the past year I have moved to Spain from NYC, engaged in sessions abroad and thus launching Myself into the international Domina world, and many delightful personal changes as well. I have visited dungeons located in both Spain (Studio Wanda, located in Madrid and Bilbao) and Germany (Avalon) to start a report with the lovely women who operate them and will visit them for sessions in the future. I have a new Macbook Pro so now I will have the ability to create more content, a new website, and expand My reach by creating profiles on the many lovely Domme sites throughout the world. It is not difficult to travel within Europe and if you desire a session with Me, only send Me a message and a trip potentially can be organised. I have an upcoming trip to Vienna the last week of February for My birthday and will delight in sessions had there. I also have a trip to Ireland at the end of April, with potential of visiting London and playing there afterwards. contact here for more details.