Friday, September 26, 2014

Titles, titles, title......Boss, Master, Sir, My Lord. by Claudia Typhoon

remember when I signed the titles of My blog entries? then I stopped. did you notice? will you look for it now? will you wonder what the significance of that is? will you wonder why I pointed it out? See if your brain does anything interesting.

one of the most popular post I have on here was about Female Dominant titles. since then I have explored the possibilities of male titles, a query exposed upon writing that prior post. now, I think a male being called male titles has a different effect or behaviours associated with it than a Female such as myself being called male titles. so this is entirely the perspective of a female being called male titles.

Boss-I loved being called Boss. I had a cop client that turned me onto it. the power exchange was intense and intoxicating. It reinforces my strong desire to be in charge and make decisions. not just any decisions, but to make them quickly; analyze my options to maximize the desired outcome for all those involved. to think of the ramifications of all subsequent ripples made by that decision and to do all that in a matter of seconds. training one's mind to be this efficient can be tiring and needs lots of reflection and downtime. but damn is it a good feeling when you do it right.

Master makes me want to be cruel. to torment, to enslave a being. that is when I am aroused most by fear. its more cold than being a Domina. there is an element of intensity, its a playful and sadistic sexuality. a Domina toys more like a panther, tearing your throat out for fun after tormenting you for hours or even days. if it likes the way you move and the sounds you make. I love being a Domina. being called master makes me want to stamp out its breath, then fuck it while its helpless and ruin it with My cock while I beat them further. hoping that it is blood that lubricates my dick inside them. perhaps choke them out while I ram My cum deep inside.

Sir-if one desires elegance, may I suggest Sir. its simple and relaxed. the authority of this figure is not questioned. authority over oneself is given to a sir, not taken. they give direction as needed and will make efficient use of you. when you respond its always: "yes, Sir" or "no, Sir". you look at your toes, not at his face. a Sir is well-groomed, enjoys outdoor sports, polite in bed with the misses but likes very tawdry things in bed with his lovers. when a Sir punishes you, you deserve it and will have to win back his good graces. I feel very natural being a Sir. it is often my natural state of being.

My Lord-this is a fun one. I've only had one person call Me this and I thought it was the best. this title allowed Me to be every sci-fi and fantasy character I wanted to be. I have a very complex imagination so I have the best time playing out scenarios attached to it.

Thursday, August 21, 2014

trying out slaves

you know, I think a personal slave would be great. really. take care of My every need as I attend to theirs. such a give and take, a loving, supportive dynamic centered on My needs and wants and their desire to satisfy them and taking every bit of torture I feel they need. just a lovely dream methinks. finding the right D/s dynamic takes a lot of work and can be very frustrating. I get more frustrated by trying to find a slave than the people I date. I take D/s dynamics very seriously. I've met 5 in the past week. the first I genuinely liked, as a person and he slipped so beautifully into a submissive way of being; but something was lost there with that newbie. the 2nd I have a great time objectifying and teasing, so we will see how it goes. also a newbie and I think he may be a bit overwhelmed even though greatly excited by My intensity. the 3rd did as he was told and we had a great time at public play; we shall see how it continues. the 4th I was very excited by. I was excited that the attraction and potential for intimacy was there and his enthusiasm seemed to meet mine; but he wants to pursue a vanilla existence. I do not extend My welcome to those that do not want it, we will never play, such a shame. the last was just a delight. a young artist, respectful, kind and into all sorts of kink, I think he will work out nicely. its a gamble for both Domme and sub alike. how much can I trust this person? how can we support each other? its a lot of energy and work but when it happens, its beautiful. I miss you ken. our dynamic was effortless. I think that's what we all search for in the people in our lives. BDSM context or not.

Sunday, August 3, 2014

dear penis

dear penis,

be of a nice size if you will. I want to feel the pressure of you inside of me. I want it to hurt, cause I enjoy that kind of interior pain and stretch. I want to feel you in all my holes and I want you to want to be there, more than any other place. could you cum huge loads? on me, inside me, down my throat? I would enjoy that. if you aren't the size I desire, can I hurt it? I will. I'd like to hurt all penis. it makes me happy when you squirm and whine because I've hurt you. can I pierce it? I'd like that. I'd like to stick tons of needles in you and then lovingly fuck the ever-living shit out of your ass. if its small, like a clitoris, I'd like to be creative and verbally degrade you for your inferior waste of flesh that you were born with. penis, I'd like to order you to jerk off while you worship my feet and deny you relief; for hours. penis, I'd like your balls to be bound and sensitive and then slap the fuck out of them until you want to cry. I'd like to straddle your thighs and then fuck your cock with rosebuds, you know the type. can I use hot wax? I'd like that. I'd like it to coat you completely and then put a condom on it and have you take a sissy's pussy with it. I bet that would feel weird. tell me how it feels, won't you? and then, how about you and that sissy suck on each other's cocks? oh yes.....that would be nice.


Claudia Typhoon

Friday, July 25, 2014

today's session 2

hello there, want to read about behaviour modification, denial and foot worship? of course you do. let's go down memory lane to last wednesday, shall we?

an indian gent contacted me and as soon as he told me his interest I knew what to do with him. I wore my golden curls piled loosely on my head and a delightful shade of red lipstick. my long, tight, black lace dress exposed a satin green over-bust corset underneath, sheer black panties and my favorite pair of black stilettos on my lovely feet.

we started with a half-hour which he begged me to extend. I put him under eye-contact restriction with a punishment of being slapped in the face every time he dared to even sneak a look into my steel blue eyes. he was slapped often and then less as time went on. I made him do exercises, corrected his form and made him do extra when he did not do the exercise correctly or neglected to count out loud. meanwhile I sat on the throne, leaning forward, my legs crossed as I appraised him and dictated his actions. as our scene grew in intensity, so did my sharp nails dig into the tender flesh of his nipples with every failure performed. he whimpered and thanked me for making sure he was up to par and punishing him when he was not. after cleaning a cage for Domina Ariana Chevalier, I gave him the pleasure of sniffing my heels and giving the leather soft kisses, making sure that he asked permission for every act he desired. he sat humbled beneath me, excited about the opportunity to worship my feet and gave them many soft kisses, saying "thank you Domina" throughout. our time quickly ended and I commanded him to put his clothes on and leave. he begged me to let him stay, to let him touch himself, to stay beneath my feet. each booming no in response from me becoming deeper and more intense. he clasped his hands together in prayer, begging. "I'm so hard Domina, please." I told him that he did not look like much to me to which he dropped to his knees. I commanded him to dress. as he did I told him that I wanted him to suffer, I wanted him to think of me all the way home, I wanted it to hurt until he was able to release later on. he had a crowded train ride home and sent me a thank you email extolling my skill and his desire to see me regularly from now on. good boy.

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

travel plans

hello darlings. it is no secret that I am a lover of travel and lovely submissives donate to my travel fund. I'm going to start Dominating as I go. the first week of september I will be in berlin. after that I will spend a few weeks with my Spaniard lover, traveling about slovenia and croatia. I am entertaining meeting those involved in the BDSM scene in both countries. otherwise I will be having spectacular sex on a the beach of a small croatian island. then I will go to madrid, when I return to NYC I am going to start making plans to go to different U.S. cities, a new one each month. L.A., D.C., and atlanta are certainly on my list. I will post to my twitter when I have concrete plans for which cities I will be going to. see you soon.

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

emailing shaming by Claudia Typhoon

sometimes a special little snowflake inspires me to give my sagely advice for free. its silly, I know. the following fuck-nugget contacted me a while ago and then never followed through. I wasn't entirely interested in the chap but I am an equal opportunity Dominant. then he fell off. followed by a long stretch of time in which I had completely forgotten him to now; where I get daily begging and devotionals. he needs guidance in the form of email shaming.

"I see that I am going to have to explain everything to you like a child. you are impatient, lazy and non-committal. before I can make any use of you I have to train you out of those disgusting habits. do you know how much work that means I am going to have to do before I see any reward? it irritates me just to think about it. from here you have two choices, you can back out like the pathetic excuse for a male you are showing yourself to be right now -or- you accept my training without question and do as you are told to the letter. do you have that within you or are you going to keep being a disappointing piece of flesh? I will know which option you pick and you will always be that until you prove otherwise. 

Domina Typhoon"

he immediately responded: "I will not back out and i will do as im told Mistress and accept training"

good boy.

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Protocol for sessions

Let's say you have found the Domme of your dreams, you are about to have your first session with her and you don't want to look like a jackass; what to do? It's amazing to me how such a simple thing as showing up to a session and behaving properly goes poorly. Listed below are some helpful tips.

1) get to the location at least 15 minutes early. let the Domme know you are near and ask her if she needs or wants anything. get her that thing, that exact thing. if you cannot find it without being late, get something similar and apologize when you arrive. just because you cannot find the item she desires is no excuse for tardiness. be on time!

2) bathe. for the love of christ bathe. say you come from a conservative group of people that always seems to smell of hot sausage. we don't want to smell the layers of heat and body odor that comes off of you. carry baby-wipes around with you so that if you do not have time to bathe, you can quickly wipe off. if someone comes into my session and I do not like the way they smell, I spray them with alcohol, and show my disdain. do not invoke Domina distain!

-if you are pursuing any kind of anal play:  clean your ass. seriously. if anything is going wrong with your plumbing, reschedule! I don't want to spend my whole time spelunking smelling your digestive leavings, nor do I want any of it to take home. since you are taking a shower, I recommend a small amount of a mild, liquid soap on your fingertips, work it around your rectum, and slide in and clean around and up the next two inches, it makes a world of a difference. if you need, give yourself an enema (or several), or you can make it part of your session!

3) learn submissive poses. when I talk to a submissive, leave the room, have them wait, et cetera; I have a pose in which I prefer them. I allow for indian style for those with bad knees, but the default pose is on your knees, your haunch resting on your feet/ankles/calves, you hands behind you. don't know if you can do this pose? try it, try it now. some Dominants will require long periods of time in this position so learn it, find a variation that is comfortable for you and do squats to strengthen your knees. if I leave the room and my submissive is alone, I require them to remain in a yoga pose (child's pose). it is relaxing for the submissive and I appreciate the respect that it shows.

4) speaking of respect: unsure of default behaviours? if you look down without instruction, if you lower your height so that your Dominant can be physically above you, if you remain silent until spoken to, these are all delightful ways to show respect to your Domme.

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

My Japanese slave

how I miss him. he moved back to japan to care for his ailing parents, I cannot fault him for that; but how I miss playing with him. I remember one time he came over and I was putting on open-crotch pantyhose, and discussing why I love wearing them, how erotic it was to be touched through them, he told me he had never worn them himself. I had to remedy this immediately. he was awkward putting them on but looked fantastic in them. I admired him, ran my nails over his thighs and his newly erect cock. he was the rare slave blessed with a large cock and I loved to admire it, tease it, torment it and use it for my own pleasure whenever it suited me. I bound him to my bed, and placed my pussy on his mouth, suffocating him with it as I tickled and teased him with my nails. once my pussy was dripping, I reached for fabric shears and cut out his cock which was pressing painfully against his hose and dripping through them. I instructed him to be very careful and not to move a hair as fabric shears would have taken off his manhood if he flinched. I rested my breast on top of his cock after I had slapped and squeezed it painfully. it gave him a moment relief before I took to giving him pain via my incredibly sharp nails that equated any pleasure I gave him. his nipples and torso surely paid the price for my sliding a condom on his cock with my mouth before choking an arousing amount of fear out of him. I found his fear incredibly hot and slowly took his big beautiful cock inside of me. anytime he showed an intense amount of pleasure from my thrusting upon him, he was given pain to meet it. he struggled in his bindings like this until I was ready to cum, all the while building his orgasm until it became painful and unbearable. I told him that he could only cum when I did, which would be at the count of 10. he failed and went home in pain.

Monday, January 27, 2014

a snippet about sexual harassment by Claudia Typhoon

A friend of mine put up a link about women being sexually harassed and how they are taught in school to be ashamed of their bodies and sexuality. Its a constant topic and for the most part I have avoided having the conversation because like most problems that don't seem to be solving themselves quite yet, it is an incredibly complex situation. the link below if you desire and my response to this particular type of negative behaviour.

I have always been a sexual creature. It's natural & I feel very confident in it. Because of this I was harassed a great deal growing up. Both by men & women. Women would sneer, dismiss my opinions, and place me as the person perpetuating their insecurities. Nasty stuff. Thin girls that haven't developed chest yet would wear tube tops to school & that would be fine, but if wore a tank top whose strap was under two inches I had to change it & if I didn't have an extra shirt I had to wear one out of lost & found or be sent home. I had teachers come up to me & place rulers on my shoulder to measure it. I started bring extra shirts to school just in case. Then I got tired of it & started fighting with teachers. They started to learn I wasn't going to back down for unjust treatment or public humiliation. It took me 6 years of fighting to get to that point. This was all women doing this! Men tend to respect a sexual lady who is confident. If men said anything inappropriate I would confront them. I would rather deal with male harassment head on then fight a woman for years. A lot of female power is misdirected. I don't think women will ever stopp being sexually harassed, I think we just need to learn how to deal with it in a new way, teach proper behaviours (including punishment) & encourage their growth. When women talk, men listen, I assure you. Let the backlash begin.

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Goddess Claudia Typhoon

I am often referred to as "Goddess", not from my own insistence; but the initiation of those that serve me. I have come to embrace this about myself and will expect no less than worship in kind. I am not for the faint of heart. I will not coo or spoil you. I will destroy your ego and rebuild you anew as those who know fear and thus have conquered its control. I have little patience for those that do not surrender themselves to the task. I am kind, I am nurturing, but I am just as easily terrifying and sadistic. you will take pain from me, more pain than you thought possible; each time will remove the weaknesses and superficial from your life. I love edge play. the edge is not always the blade. My tongue is often sharper. I will dress as I please, I will play by whim and as I desire. 

Thursday, January 16, 2014

new year, updates by Claudia Typhoon

Things are progressing very well in Domme-dom. around the time of my last post, I met Alpha Fem, Ariana Chevalier of the Rubber Studio. Since then I have been holding my session there. (incall sessions, still available for select outcall and always public sessions) I have been a very busy Domina and have had many great sessions which I will be sure to write entries about in the near future.
D. Ariana informed me that my current website (that has flash) cannot be viewed by those that have apple products. I went a whole year without anyone telling me as such. very unfortunate. I will be creating a new website in the future. until then, those that cannot view my website, send your polite inquiries to My email.

For those of you who don't know, I also have a niteflirt account. wouldn't it be nice to hear my voice into your ear? telling you all the twisted things I want to do to you and recounting stories of all the devious things I have done to others? sure it would! call me here: niteflirt